Store » Vintage » Very Rare Victorian Speaking Tube or Voicepipes System Complete Rosewood Brass Intercom

Very Rare Victorian Speaking Tube or Voicepipes System Complete Rosewood Brass Intercom

This Very Rare Victorian Speaking Tube System Complete. One end of it is mounted on a beveled block of quartered or tigereye oak. It has the original wool coated tubing. The tubing fits into brass and I believe the wood on the brass is Rosewood. Not only does it have the speaker but it an ear piece too, brass fitting which moves up and down to open and close. In the speaker or mouth piece it has a Rosewood whistle and inside the whistle there is a carved piece of bone, it is missing from one of the whistle, would not be hard to make one. One of the Rosewook ear pieces has a chip and other little dings on the system. You can see the condition in the pictures. I have looked all over the internet world and have never seen another complete system like this. Free shipping in USA. Texas residents 8.25 sales tax. If you have any questions please email me. Thanks for looking.
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Category: Vintage
Inventory: 1
Dated Added: 8/1/2017 12:42:57 PM

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